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EQAVET stands for the European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training and has twofold meaning: first of all it refers to the common European reference framework for quality assurance in vocational education and training and secondly, it refers to the European network of reference points for quality in vocational education and training, such as the ARQA- VET is for Austria.

The European Framework for Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training is a reference model to which the EU member states voluntarily commit themselves to. Member states develop their national quality assurance concepts in accordance with the reference model. QIBB, the VET Quality Initiative in the Austrian VET school sector, is the national quality assurance concept in Austria. The European Reference Framework also contains ten indicators as an expression of certain quality criteria. The member states are regularly reporting to the European Commission concerning these indicators. ARQA-VET is an active member in the European Network of Reference Points and participates regularly in exchange and networking meetings.